
Saturday, November 20, 2010

November 20, 2010 Announcements

Special Thanks: ...goes out to Heritage Hardware for the use of their shiny new wheelbarrows to bring forth our food for the Thanksgiving Baskets for dedication.

Choir Practice: Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, Choir practice will be held on Tuesday this week. Please let Judy Frase know if you are unable to attend. 603.664.5636.

From Kat: It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have given my resignation to Gayle. I have been asked to work full-time hours at my main job and NCC’s administrative needs are not being fulfilled with my one remaining day here as it is. This has become more than a job for me as I have gotten to know many of you over the past three years and all that happens with the inner workings of such a wonderful small town NH church. I’ve let Gayle know that I will continue to be here to train the next person who will be lucky enough to fill this chair and will be happy to assist and “moonlight” for NCC in any way I can, especially during holidays, events, fundraisers, etc. This has truly been a joy for me to serve you all and both my daughter, Halah and I will hold NCC in a special place in our hearts always. May your congregation continue to flourish and know that you have our well-wishes. I will be here on Sunday, December 12th to share in worship with you.

Operation Christmas Child: A warm holiday thank you goes out to all of you who have contributed to Operation Christmas Child. Your generosity will truly be felt world-wide this Christmas Season!

Kevin's N.C.C Weight Loss Challenge: **11/05: 1.5 pounds gained –total: 10.5lbs! No problem Kevin—you can do it! Our bodies fluctuate and adjust through this process—it’s not a setback—merely a learning experience!**

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee: If you forgot to bring a coffee cup for Fellowship time, there are many in the kitchen that you may use. Just remember to wash them out  for the next person’s use.

...And more coffee: Coffee hour is an important time in the life of any congregation. Many have signed up this fall to host it, serving and clean-up. Pair up with someone if his feels too much of a responsibility.

Christmas Greens & Coffee: On Saturday, December 4th from 9:00-1:00pm NCC will be holding a Greens Sale. Volunteers are needed for the following: working with preparing the greens, baked goods, contributions to the raffle baskets and lunch. Please contact Lucy Silva at 942.9848 to volunteer. All proceeds go to our church!

Raffle Baskets: Please have all donations for the raffle baskets in by Sunday, November 28th. We will be ready to sell raffle tickets on Sunday, November 21st.

Christmas Greens Event Food Table: Are there food items you especially 
enjoy making for the holidays? Perhaps you might like to share a recipe as well. There is a sign-up list on the table outside Fellowship Hall to indicate the item(s) you will bring. All items should be in the container they are to be sold in or appropriately wrapped for sale.

Grab your knitting needles! Meet us in in Fellowship Hall on Sundays from 2:00-4:00pm for knitting...all are welcome!

Epiphany Arts: (Corrected Date) This year’s Epiphany Arts submission dates are: December 9-31 with the Festival beginning January 9th and tear-down on March 13th. Neil would like to encourage any and all art work, drawings, paintings, craftwork, needlework, photography, glasswork, sculpture, poetry, woodworking, small furniture, wood turning, pottery, knitting, wood carving, quilting, hand made jewelry etc. etc. The work should be done by our parishioners or by members of their family. The show is about showcasing the talent that resides within our greater church family. Please contact Neil or see the detailed information in the next Newsletter for details on framing and hanging requirements. Submission forms must be filled out in duplicate with one form attached to the piece and the other form to be available for making up the identification cards. For questions, please contact Neil English at 736-9681. 
Communion Offering: The Mission Committee will be coordinating with the Deacons to provide holiday food baskets for Thanksgiving and donations in November will be used as needed to supplement food item purchases. But we also use the November 2010 mission and typically the December 2010 Mission offerings to supplement food needs and to buy hams for the Christmas Holiday baskets. In coordination with the Church Diaconate, we need your mission support to help those in need in November. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)  

Tangible Worship: Please notice the tables at each door of the Sanctuary.  On them will be items which will express the theme of the worship service in a tangible way. See if you can figure out what will be happening in worship from the items on the tables.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC:  While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with questions at 332-5808/