
Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 29 - Announcements & Meetings

Rally Day!: Plan to be at Rally Day on Sunday, September 12th. We are looking forward to the service being a Celebration of Homecoming. We would like to think that this place is a home to anyone who seeks it, can be a refuge from the demands of the world, and a place to reconnect with our God. We plan on having lots of fun together and worshiping with a spirit of faithfulness.

NASCAR Volunteers needed: It’s that time again...come volunteer your time to help this NCC Fundraiser. Dates are Friday through Sunday, September 17, 18 and 19. Sign-up sheets are on the table outside Fellowship Hall or you can contact Michael Magoon at 608.5444.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Communion Offering: The Mission Committee anticipates some families may be needing help to prepare their children for school in the fall and due to the current status of our economy, their family resources may be depleted. The Minister's Discretionary Fund is used to meet the needs of people who request help from the Church. Often that need is for food or gas to get people to a job. Your generosity will assist us in helping others in Christ’s name. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Centering Prayer: A time of Centering Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 8:00am. We meet at MaryAnn Lippincott’s home at 11 Blaisdell Drive.

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

Wednesday 8:00 am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir

Friday, August 20, 2010

August 22 - Announcements

Rally Day!: Plan to be at Rally Day on Sunday, September 12th. We are looking forward to the service being a Celebration of Homecoming. We would like to think that this place is a home to anyone who seeks it, can be a refuge from the demands of the world, and a place to reconnect with our God. We plan on having lots of fun together and worshiping with a spirit of faithfulness.

Vacuum Away!: We’d like to thank Jane Roberts volunteering to vacuum the Sanctuary, hallway and choir room for 11 1/2 years...that’s a lot of vacuuming! She has turned in her hat and Terri and Dan Ferguson will be taking over this task until another volunteer steps in. So, if you have available time in your schedule, please consider helping the church with this. All our volunteers help to make the maintenance of this building a success.

NASCAR Volunteers needed: It’s that time again...come volunteer your time to help this NCC Fundraiser. Dates are Friday through Sunday, September 17, 18 and 19. Sign-up sheets are on the table outside Fellowship Hall or you can contact Michael Magoon at 608.5444.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Communion Offering: The Mission Committee anticipates some families may be needing help to prepare their children for school in the fall and due to the current status of our economy, their family resources may be depleted. The Minister's Discretionary Fund is used to meet the needs of people who request help from the Church. Often that need is for food or gas to get people to a job. Your generosity will assist us in helping others in Christ’s name. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Centering Prayer: A time of Centering Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 8:00am. We meet at MaryAnn Lippincott’s home at 11 Blaisdell Drive.

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sunday, August 15 - Announcements & Meetings

Talented Trio: Thanks to the talented trio who have enriched our worship with their music. Johanna Chase, Mary Ann Lippincott and Pat Moore are as faithful as they are talented and we know what a gift they share with us!

Vacuum Away!: We’d like to thank Jane Roberts volunteering to vacuum the Sanctuary, hallway and choir room for 11 1/2 years...that’s a lot of vacuuming! She has turned in her hat and Terri and Dan Ferguson will be taking over this task until another volunteer steps in. So, if you have available time in your schedule, please consider helping the church with this. All our volunteers help to make the maintenance of this building a success.

Take This Bread: If you would like to read this interesting book with us this summer, we welcome you to join us in a time of study. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, August 18 at 3:00 at Charlotte Klaubert’s home. We will read chapters 19-25. There are copies of the book for you to borrow.

Real Mugs for Real coffee: Bring your own mug to church so we can cut back on use of paper products during coffee hour. It will taste better and you can take it home to wash it. Thanks!

Communion Offering: The Mission Committee anticipates some families may be needing help to prepare their children for school in the fall and due to the current status of our economy, their family resources may be depleted. The Minister's Discretionary Fund is used to meet the needs of people who request help from the Church. Often that need is for food or gas to get people to a job. Your generosity will assist us in helping others in Christ’s name. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Centering Prayer: A time of Centering Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 8:00am. We meet at MaryAnn Lippincott’s home at 11 Blaisdell Drive.

Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: While you can order any number of pre-paid card on the third Sunday of each month, we have purchased extra cards of the most popular places. They include Dunkin’ Donuts, Regal Cinema, Restaurant pass, and Lowes, and they are available every Sunday after church while the supplies last. Contact Tiffany George with your questions at 332-5808 or

Tuesday 7:00pm Church Council
Wednesday 8:00 am Centering Prayer
9:30am Lay Visitors
3:00pm Take This Bread Study