A few pictures taken in Boston as we were helping to provide lunch to the less fortunate.
881 First NH Turnpike, Northwood, NH 03261 603.942.7116. Our regular worship is Sunday at 9:30am.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
2010 Strawberry Fest
Saturday, June 19th 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Mark your calendars for the annual Strawberry Festival at Northwood Congregational Church, Route 4 in Northwood from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Catey McCann will be coordinating the event for her senior project. Enjoy a hearty pancake and sausage breakfast with strawberries, butter and maple syrup. If you do not make it for breakfast, we will be barbequing hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch, served with other tasty lunch fare, available from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Delicious strawberry baked goods, strawberries dipped in chocolate, and homemade strawberry shortcakes topped with whip cream and ice cream will be served up all day long! Plenty of locally picked strawberries will be for sale for your own baking. Stock up! There will be fun activities for the whole family, including face painting and a yard sale. For more details, call Catey McCann at 664-7288 or email her at nhmccann@metrocast.net
Furthermore, we still need volunteers and food!
VOLUNTEERS: 2 shortcake servers (11-2), 1 griller (11-2), and 1 outside cashier (11-2).
FOOD: 8 pkgs Breakfast Sausages
Regular, Decaf Coffee
Hot/cold cups
Heavy duty forks (300), knives (100), spoons (300)
4 pounds hamburg patties
80 hamburger rolls
5 pounds hot dogs
Ice cream scoops
16 cans frozen lemonade
Last, but not least, WE NEED PIES. We have 6 being made so far, WE NEED 14 MORE. Please volunteer to make a pie or 2!
Please respond to this if you can help out with any of the above. Thanks!
Friday, June 4, 2010
June 6, 2010 Announcements & Meetings
Annual Meeting: The Church’s Annual meeting will be held today after worship. This is an important meeting, and in order to conduct our business, we need a quorum to be present. The Envisioning Committee will present its results to the Congregation, the Nominating Slate will be voted into office, the By-Laws Changes will be voted in, and the Budget will be accepted for the next fiscal year. If you are a member it is important that you understand the work of this church and that you are present to have your voice heard. Annual Reports and the proposed budget will be available ahead of time for you to review.
Take This Bread: During the summer the church will together read Sarah Miles’ spiritual memoir, Take This Bread. We will meet 5 Sundays through the summer; June 13, July11, August 1, and August 14. The book raises some very interesting questions about what it means to follow Jesus and what the community of believers should look like and do. We have 6 copies of the book for you to borrow or it is available in paperback.
Wood Donation Fund: Anyone interested in donating money or supplies to the Wood family who lost their home to fire recently (the old Johnson’s Dairy Farm), an account has been established at NE Credit Union, PO Box 1240, Portsmouth, NH 03802 (Account #56493893.) Donations and supplies can be dropped off at the back of the house in the garage, to family friend: Nick Isia, 8 Old Turnpike Rd, Northwood, NH 03261, 942.8575
Return the Blessings: It’s not too late for you to make a pledge or estimate of giving for our next fiscal year. You can directly contact Matt Caron, Financial Secretary at macron@netjets.com or fill in an Estimate of Giving card (found on table outside of Fellowship Hall.)
Communion Offering: For June’s Mission we will be participating in the worship service organized by the Ecclesia Ministries on Boston Common on Sunday, June 20th. Our role will be attending the service and providing and serving a lunch to the attendees. We will be asking for volunteers from the congregation to provide a total of 150 sandwiches, already made and in individual baggies, a half-sheet birthday cake, 1 large container of powdered lemonade, 200 paper cups, 100 napkins and 1 gallon of grape juice for Communion. We will be limited to 20 volunteers and will be leaving after church on the 20th at 10:30 am with volunteers and supplies. We should return by 4 pm. If you have any questions please contact Grace Levergood or any of the Mission Committee members. Please look for the sign up sheets in Fellowship Hall to sign up for volunteering as well as to providing supplies. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Coffee Hour Fellowship: Coffee hour is when we can gather as a community and welcome those who have worshiped with us. This is more than filling our bellies with good food, this is nurturing the soul of the congregation. Please consider signing up to provide treats and serve coffee for a week sometime in the future. You can sign up with a friend to make the load lighter and the food more varied. There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall.
Post-Sabbatical Pot-Luck: Save June 11th at 6:30pm for a pot-luck dinner and a report on Gayle’s Sabbatical. She will show you pictures, share stories and insights, and answer any questions. We are hoping that it will be a wonderful combination of a fun evening and a way for you to learn about Gayle’s adventures while on Sabbatical.
NCC’s Annual Strawberry Festival: Mark your calendars for the annual Strawberry Festival at on Saturday, June 19th from 8-2 p.m. Enjoy a hearty pancake and sausage breakfast with strawberries, butter and maple syrup. If you do not make it for breakfast, we will be barbequing hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch, served with other tasty lunch fare, available from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Delicious strawberry baked goods, strawberries dipped in chocolate, and homemade strawberry shortcakes topped with whip cream and ice cream will be served up all day long! Plenty of locally picked strawberries will be for sale for your own baking. Stock up! There will be fun activities for the whole family, including face painting and a yard sale. For more details, call Catey McCann at 664-7288 or email her at nhmccann@metrocast.net.
NASCAR Volunteer Opportunity: Once again this year we have an opportunity to volunteer at the NASCAR races at NH Motor Speedway in Loudon, NH to raise funds for our church. We are looking for volunteers for on Thursday, June 24, Friday, June 25, Saturday, June 26 and Sunday, June 27. We are scheduled to staff the air conditioned executive suites so it should be fun and not too tiring. If you are available to volunteer any of those days, please sign up on the sheets on the table in the area before fellowship hall. Please indicate if you are interested in the morning or afternoon shift, or both. For more information, please contact Michael Magoon at 603-608-5444.
Summer Flowers: Would you like to help beatify the Alter? Please see a Deacon to let them know you are interested in bringing in your fresh cut flowers/bush trimmings.
“Fix Me” Board: Anyone with a church "care concern" (i.e. fix this please!), let a trustee know or place it on the easel located in Fellowship hall. Your Trustees are Rena, Bruce, Chris, Scott, Dan and Rick.
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: If you do any shopping at Shaw’s, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, or Irving Gas (or any number of stores)...buy a pre-paid card to make your purchases. A percentage of the sales comes back to the church and you aren’t spending any more money than you would have anyway. We place the orders on the 3rd Sunday of the month and they are delivered on the 4th Sunday. Please contact Tiffany George if you have any questions about the program at 332-5808 or t_george12@hotmail.com
Today 10:30am NCC’s Annual Meeting
Monday 7:00pm Trustees
Tuesday 6:00pm Deacons
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Friday 6:30pm Sabbatical Presentation and Pot-luck Dinner
Next Sunday Children’s Sunday
10:30am Take This Bread Study
Annual Meeting: The Church’s Annual meeting will be held today after worship. This is an important meeting, and in order to conduct our business, we need a quorum to be present. The Envisioning Committee will present its results to the Congregation, the Nominating Slate will be voted into office, the By-Laws Changes will be voted in, and the Budget will be accepted for the next fiscal year. If you are a member it is important that you understand the work of this church and that you are present to have your voice heard. Annual Reports and the proposed budget will be available ahead of time for you to review.
Take This Bread: During the summer the church will together read Sarah Miles’ spiritual memoir, Take This Bread. We will meet 5 Sundays through the summer; June 13, July11, August 1, and August 14. The book raises some very interesting questions about what it means to follow Jesus and what the community of believers should look like and do. We have 6 copies of the book for you to borrow or it is available in paperback.
Wood Donation Fund: Anyone interested in donating money or supplies to the Wood family who lost their home to fire recently (the old Johnson’s Dairy Farm), an account has been established at NE Credit Union, PO Box 1240, Portsmouth, NH 03802 (Account #56493893.) Donations and supplies can be dropped off at the back of the house in the garage, to family friend: Nick Isia, 8 Old Turnpike Rd, Northwood, NH 03261, 942.8575
Return the Blessings: It’s not too late for you to make a pledge or estimate of giving for our next fiscal year. You can directly contact Matt Caron, Financial Secretary at macron@netjets.com or fill in an Estimate of Giving card (found on table outside of Fellowship Hall.)
Communion Offering: For June’s Mission we will be participating in the worship service organized by the Ecclesia Ministries on Boston Common on Sunday, June 20th. Our role will be attending the service and providing and serving a lunch to the attendees. We will be asking for volunteers from the congregation to provide a total of 150 sandwiches, already made and in individual baggies, a half-sheet birthday cake, 1 large container of powdered lemonade, 200 paper cups, 100 napkins and 1 gallon of grape juice for Communion. We will be limited to 20 volunteers and will be leaving after church on the 20th at 10:30 am with volunteers and supplies. We should return by 4 pm. If you have any questions please contact Grace Levergood or any of the Mission Committee members. Please look for the sign up sheets in Fellowship Hall to sign up for volunteering as well as to providing supplies. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Coffee Hour Fellowship: Coffee hour is when we can gather as a community and welcome those who have worshiped with us. This is more than filling our bellies with good food, this is nurturing the soul of the congregation. Please consider signing up to provide treats and serve coffee for a week sometime in the future. You can sign up with a friend to make the load lighter and the food more varied. There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall.
Post-Sabbatical Pot-Luck: Save June 11th at 6:30pm for a pot-luck dinner and a report on Gayle’s Sabbatical. She will show you pictures, share stories and insights, and answer any questions. We are hoping that it will be a wonderful combination of a fun evening and a way for you to learn about Gayle’s adventures while on Sabbatical.
NCC’s Annual Strawberry Festival: Mark your calendars for the annual Strawberry Festival at on Saturday, June 19th from 8-2 p.m. Enjoy a hearty pancake and sausage breakfast with strawberries, butter and maple syrup. If you do not make it for breakfast, we will be barbequing hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch, served with other tasty lunch fare, available from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Delicious strawberry baked goods, strawberries dipped in chocolate, and homemade strawberry shortcakes topped with whip cream and ice cream will be served up all day long! Plenty of locally picked strawberries will be for sale for your own baking. Stock up! There will be fun activities for the whole family, including face painting and a yard sale. For more details, call Catey McCann at 664-7288 or email her at nhmccann@metrocast.net.
NASCAR Volunteer Opportunity: Once again this year we have an opportunity to volunteer at the NASCAR races at NH Motor Speedway in Loudon, NH to raise funds for our church. We are looking for volunteers for on Thursday, June 24, Friday, June 25, Saturday, June 26 and Sunday, June 27. We are scheduled to staff the air conditioned executive suites so it should be fun and not too tiring. If you are available to volunteer any of those days, please sign up on the sheets on the table in the area before fellowship hall. Please indicate if you are interested in the morning or afternoon shift, or both. For more information, please contact Michael Magoon at 603-608-5444.
Summer Flowers: Would you like to help beatify the Alter? Please see a Deacon to let them know you are interested in bringing in your fresh cut flowers/bush trimmings.
“Fix Me” Board: Anyone with a church "care concern" (i.e. fix this please!), let a trustee know or place it on the easel located in Fellowship hall. Your Trustees are Rena, Bruce, Chris, Scott, Dan and Rick.
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Pre-paid cards to benefit NCC: If you do any shopping at Shaw’s, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, or Irving Gas (or any number of stores)...buy a pre-paid card to make your purchases. A percentage of the sales comes back to the church and you aren’t spending any more money than you would have anyway. We place the orders on the 3rd Sunday of the month and they are delivered on the 4th Sunday. Please contact Tiffany George if you have any questions about the program at 332-5808 or t_george12@hotmail.com
Today 10:30am NCC’s Annual Meeting
Monday 7:00pm Trustees
Tuesday 6:00pm Deacons
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Friday 6:30pm Sabbatical Presentation and Pot-luck Dinner
Next Sunday Children’s Sunday
10:30am Take This Bread Study