
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thank you for charity

From an email that Tom Bobowski sent:

We are delighted to receive the wonderful donation for the poorest of the poor in San Jose Villanueva.   You can be certain that these funds will be put toward helping people who could not otherwise acquire what they most need without the material help of generous souls such as you.   We are thinking of ecological (uses much less fuel and gives of nearly no smoke) stoves for the poor who have lung issues from many years of cooling over smoky stoves.
We love Gayle and we were so delighted to have her with us for a brief week.   Her positive energy and her spiritual creativity in leading us toward community and reflection was delightful and welcome.
May you all be enriched tenfold by your generosity.   Love and thanks, Susan and Mike

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 21 - Announcements & Meetings

Thank you: A special thanks to Jo Chase for putting together this prayerful service! Originally this was for the second Sunday in Lent but due to power outages and cancellations, the service was postponed. Now we can enjoy this unique service today.

Easter Services: If you would like to be a reader in the Maundy Thursday service of Tenebrae (April 1at at 7pm) or participate in the Easter Sunrise Service (April 4th at 7am), please contact Jane Roberts at 664-9202 or another deacon.

Garden of Gethsemane for Maundy Thursday Service: Would you like to assist us in shaping Fellowship Hall into the Garden of Gethsemane for our service? All you need do is let us borrow your potted plants or trees (alive or “faux”) for placement in Fellowship Hall. You will receive it back that day if you attend or by arrangements with Jo Chase 942.8940.

Sunrise Service: The Sunrise Service will be held in the Sanctuary if the weather is inclement or too cold. Should we have the blessing of good weather, people can bring folding chairs for outside if desired.

Easter Breakfast: The Men’s Easter Breakfast will be at 8am on Easter Sunday, April 4th...service will be family style! If you are interested in donating baked goods such as coffee, cake, muffins, etc. please contact Ken Bowick at church or call 603.783.4058. Monetary donations will be graciously accepted the day of the breakfast to help defray costs. All are welcome—please come and join!

Easter Flowers: Anyone that would like to give an Easter plant for the beatification of our Sanctuary on Easter, please contact Brenda Dunbar at 942-5954. You may want to give it in memory of loved ones or to honor someone special in your life. We will make arrangements for you to deliver it to the church in time for Easter.

Lenten Bible Study: David Jadlocki will be conducting a Lenten Study Series this March! David is a member of the Deerfield Church, has completed Seminary, worked in social services for about ten years and is now in a one year discernment about God's calling him back into ministry. He is helping us lead worship on March 7th and this study as a part of his discernment process. This interactive three week series will examine mission and service in our contemporary life. With the Last Supper as our guide, we will explore what service means for our world today, who we are called to serve and how we can become servants for change. Join us on March 7, 14 and 21 from 6:30 to 8:00 for soup, fellowship and discussion.

Communion Offering: The March Mission will be for the Red Cross with a designation for "Where the Need is Greatest". With the recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile and our windstorm in New Hampshire, the Mission Committee believes the Red Cross needs flexibility in distributing available funds to local, national or international needs for disaster relief and support. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Sabbatical Prayers: The pillar candle by the Bible in the Sanctuary is to remind us to pray for Gayle while on her Sabbatical. She, too, will have a candle to light during her devotions to remember to pray for all of you!

Prayer Concerns & Joys: During Gayle’s Sabbatical, please contact a Deacon to have any prayer concerns and/or joys submitted for the Bulletin.

Lay/Guest Preachers: Wondering who is Preaching during Sabbatical? Pick up the list from the table outside of Fellowship Hall.

Prepaid cards to benefit NCC: We are continuing on with our fundraising efforts by selling prepaid cards. We encourage church members to use these cards for everyday purchases like gas and groceries. The beauty of this program is that you can purchase prepaid cards to buy items that you get each week anyway, but with a percentage going back to the church. If you regularly shop at stores like Walmart, Sears, Best Buy, or Circle K, please buy these prepaid cards from us and then use them to pay for your purchase at the store. It will not cost you any additional money to get the cards, and we'll even deliver them to you at church on Sunday. Orders must be placed by 10:30am on the 3rd Sunday of each month, and will be delivered on the following Sunday at church. You may continue using the paper forms found in Fellowship Hall to place your orders and pay by check, or you can visit to place your orders online. Please pick up a detail sheet in Fellowship Hall for the access code to become a member of this online site. We even have access to their PrestoPay feature that can enable you to pay online by linking your checking account number to your membership. Please contact Tiffany George if you have any questions about the program at 332.5808 or

Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Spring Fitness Class: Lake Shore Farm will have a Spring Fitness Class on Monday and Thursday mornings from 9 am to 10 am. The next session begins March 1st through April 12th. The cost is $50.00 for the 6 week program or drop in anytime at $5 per class. It is a beginner level instruction with intermediate modifications taught by Rhoda Sommer, a certified group fitness instructor. Call Rhoda at 942-6071 for more info or to register.

Dinner (or not) Theatre: Only one performance left! Matinee: Today at 2 pm. Lakeside Players will perform a murder/mystery/ comedy at Chadbourn's Restaurant in Northwood. “Dealt a Deadly Hand (Murder at the Pocono Royale Casino)” will feature our very own Dan Ferguson playing the Indian Chief ‘Wooden Nickel.” For further details, call at 942.5992 or 664.5863. Dinner is optional.

Today 6:00pm Lenten Study Supper
7:00pm Lenten Study
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Friday & Sunday Neighborhood Gatherings

There are 2 more Neighborhood Gatherings left…come and join us!
Jenness Pond Fri, Mar 26 5-6:30pm Jo Chase
306 Catamount Rd 603.942.8940

Sherburne Hill Sun, Mar 28 6:30 - 8pm Priscilla Merrill
72 Sherburn Hill Rd 603.942.8713

Easter Reminder Dates

Thurs, Apr 1: Maundy Thursday
(to be held in Fellowship Hall)
Fri, Apr 2: Good Friday (no service)
Sun, Apr 4: Easter
~ 7:00am Sunrise Service
~ 8:00am Men’s Breakfast
~ 9:00am Family Service

Friday, March 12, 2010

March 14-Announcements & Meetings

Easter Services: If you would like to be a reader in the Maundy Thursday service of Tenebrae (7pm) or participate in the Easter Sunrise Service (7am), please contact Jane Roberts at 664-9202 or another deacon.

Sunrise Service: The Sunrise Service will be held in the Sanctuary if the weather is inclement or too cold. Should we have the blessing of good weather, people can bring folding chairs for outside if desired.

Easter Breakfast: The Men’s Easter Breakfast will be at 8am on Easter Sunday...service will be family style! Donations are graciously accepted including those of baked goods such as coffee, cake, muffins, etc. For further information, please contact Ken Bowick at church or call 603.783.4058.

Easter Flowers: Anyone that would like to give an Easter plant for the beatification of our Sanctuary on Easter, please contact Brenda Dunbar at 942-5954. You may want to give it in memory of loved ones or to honor someone special in your life. We will make arrangements for you to deliver it to the church in time for Easter.

Lenten Bible Study: David Jadlocki will be conducting a Lenten Study Series this March! David is a member of the Deerfield Church, has completed Seminary, worked in social services for about ten years and is now in a one year discernment about God's calling him back into ministry. He is helping us lead worship on March 7th and this study as a part of his discernment process. This interactive three week series will examine mission and service in our contemporary life. With the Last Supper as our guide, we will explore what service means for our world today, who we are called to serve and how we can become servants for change. Join us on March 7, 14 and 21 from 6:30 to 8:00 for soup, fellowship and discussion.

Communion Offering: The March Mission will be for the Red Cross with a designation for "Where the Need is Greatest". With the recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile and our windstorm in New Hampshire, the Mission Committe believes the Red Cross needs flexibility in distributing available funds to local, national or international needs for disaster relief and support. . (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Sabbatical Prayers: The pillar candle by the Bible in the Sanctuary is to remind us to pray for Gayle while on her Sabbatical. She, too, will have a candle to light during her devotions to remember to pray for all of you!

Prayer Concerns & Joys: During Gayle’s Sabbatical, please contact a Deacon to have any prayer concerns and/or joys submitted for the Bulletin.

Lay/Guest Preachers: Wondering who is Preaching during Sabbatical? Pick up the list from the table outside of Fellowship Hall.

Prepaid cards to benefit NCC: We are continuing on with our fundraising efforts by selling prepaid cards. We encourage church members to use these cards for everyday purchases like gas and groceries. The beauty of this program is that you can purchase prepaid cards to buy items that you get each week anyway, but with a percentage going back to the church. If you regularly shop at stores like Walmart, Sears, Best Buy, or Circle K, please buy these prepaid cards from us and then use them to pay for your purchase at the store. It will not cost you any additional money to get the cards, and we'll even deliver them to you at church on Sunday. Orders must be placed by 10:30am on the 3rd Sunday of each month, and will be delivered on the following Sunday at church. You may continue using the paper forms found in Fellowship Hall to place your orders and pay by check, or you can visit to place your orders online. Please pick up a detail sheet in Fellowship Hall for the access code to become a member of this online site. We even have access to their PrestoPay feature that can enable you to pay online by linking your checking account number to your membership. Please contact Tiffany George if you have any questions about the program at 332.5808 or

Sunday School Teachers needed: We have the greatest kids in our Church school and they need even greater Sunday School Teachers and Substitutes. We are looking to fill slots for January, February or March. There is a wonderful curriculum to share! Please contact Scott Hignett, Diane Prescott or Pam English.

Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.

Spring Fitness Class: Lake Shore Farm will have a Spring Fitness Class on Monday and Thursday mornings from 9 am to 10 am. The next session begins March 1st through April 12th. The cost is $50.00 for the 6 week program or drop in anytime at $5 per class. It is a beginner level instruction with intermediate modifications taught by Rhoda Sommer, a certified group fitness instructor. Call Rhoda at 942-6071 for more info or to register.

Dinner (or not) Theatre: Lakeside Players will perform a murder/mystery/comedy at Chadbourn's Restaurant in Northwood. “Dealt a Deadly Hand (Murder at the Pocono Royale Casino)” will feature our very own Dan Ferguson playing the Indian Chief ‘Wooden Nickel.” For further details, call at 942.5992 or 664.5863. Dinner is optional. Performances nightly at 7 pm with one matinee.
· 3/12 Friday,
· 3/13 Saturday
· 3/19 Friday,
· 3/20 Saturday.
· Matinee: 3/21 Sunday at 2 pm


Today 6:00pm Lenten Study Supper
7:00pm Lenten Study
Tuesday 7:00pm Church Council
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Next Sunday 10:30-Noon Neighborhood Gathering
at Church

Thursday, March 4, 2010

News from the Mission Committee

The information below summarizes an upcoming mission opportunity and the results of our previous mission effort.  Please note that all dollar amounts described are approximate.
February 2010 Missions
The February Mission offering will go to support Epilogos, a non-profit organization in San Jose Villenueva, El Salvador where Rev. Gayle Murphy will spend a portion of her Sabattical time.  The founders, Mike and Susie Jenkins from Concord, NH, and other staff  work in areas of housing, education, health care, and water resources.  Mike and Susie were originally Peace Corps volunteers in El Salvador, lived in New Hampshire for several years, but then took early retirement so they could volunteer full-time in El Salvador.   They ensure the money donated goes directly to the work in San Jose Villanueva and not to support big organizational expenses.  Gayle will be our Church's ambassador for bringing donated mission proceeds to support their cause.  The web-site for Epilogos can give you pictures and more information about the organization's efforts in El Salvador.
Future Missions
The Mission Committee will be meeting to identify new opportunities to participate as we move from winter to spring.  For example, we expect to be offering a visit to a local assisted living facility sometime in March or April as part of a fun outreach effort to just spend time with the elderly who may have  a bit of "cabin fever" - details still need to be worked out.  There may also be recurring opportunities to work with one of our congregational members in Habitat for Humanity efforts.  Peggy Kofer is trying to coordinate a Youth Mission Trip for sometime in the summer.  Please check as opportunities will be posted on the board in Fellowship Hall as they become available or you may receive an email from those coordinating.  Also, feel free to approach anyone on the Mission Committee if you have ideas or interest in pursuing specific mission work or are looking for a way to contribute time and energy to any gratifying endeavor that promotes Christian outreach!
January 2010 Mission Success
During January 2010 we collected $125.00 to support the Strafford Food Bank which is operated by the Third Baptist Church of Center Strafford.  These moneys will be sent soon to be used to re-supply items not typically brought to the facility for the needy.
December 2009 Mission Success
Christmas Baskets, Discretionary Fund and Northwood Emergency Food Pantry
In coordination with the Church Diaconate, the Mission Committee assisted in delivering 14 Christmas baskets.  Thanks to all who contributed the food to make the baskets such a successful mission!  During November and December we also collected Missions to support several causes principally because 10 hams were donated by Northwood Country Market so only a few needed to be purchased this year.   The mission money collection effort included funds retained from the previous year's (2008) Thanksgiving and Christmas Basket funds and well as this year's 2009 collections.  According to our Treasurer, we had approximately $500 for available for the Ministerial Discretionary Fund of which $225 was used to pay down previously distributed money during 2009 and the remaining $275 was used to replentish the fund to meet future needs of those needing a hand in these difficult economic times.  Approximately $200 still remained following the replentishment of the Discretionary fund and this money will be sent to the Northwood Emergency Food Pantry. 
Santa's Helpers
We participated in Santa's Helpers in coordination with the Northwood Fire Department.  We provided a large collection of children's mittens and hats to distribute to needy families.  Great work to all in getting those picked out or made so we could keep those less fortunate warm this winter!
Christmas Gift Family in Need - Twin Infants!
In coordination with the Town of Northwood Human Services Department, we provided an entire SUV full of presents and gifts to a Northwood family in need.  There was a wonderful supply of diapers and comforters, numerous gift cards and other presents that were provided.  When the packages were delivered by the Mission Committee and the family received all the generous donations, tearful joy literally came forth from this family.  The twins were just beautiful! It was clear by delivering these gifts from the congregation how the true meaning of Christmas could be witnessed.  You should all be very proud of how you were able to help this needy family!
Christmas Eve Service
The Mission Committee in coordination with Church Council voted to distribute approximately one-third of the funds collected during the Christmas Eve Service to the Salvation Army ($376) and one-third to the Northwood Emergency Food Pantry ($376) with the remaining funds ($376) to be used for the Northwood Church Renovation Fund.  We should feel content of how we were able to blend the important needs of the church along with the needs of others as part of our Christmas Eve Service.

May Christ be with you as we move from Epiphany to the reflective season of Lent!
Northwood Congregational Church
Mission Committee
Tom Bobowski