
Friday, February 12, 2010

Feb. 14- Announcements & Meetings

Epiphany Arts Festival: Take one last look and absorb the beauty of
our Epiphany creations surrounding you. After today, the Sanctuary
Will be cleared out for the simplicity of Lent in February. Many
thanks to Neil English for coordinating this Festival and for the peo-
ple who aided Neil in displaying your treasures.

Lenten Bible Study: David Jadlocki will be conducting a Lenten Study Series this March! David is a member of the Deerfield Church, has completed Seminary, worked in social services for about ten years and is now in a one year discernment about God's calling him back into ministry. He is helping us lead worship on March 7th and this study as a part of his discernment process. This interactive three week series will examine mission and service in our contemporary life. With the Last Supper as our guide, we will explore what service means for our world today, who we are called to serve and how we can become servants for change. Join us on March 7, 14 and 21 from 6:30 to 8:00 for soup, fellowship and discussion.

Sabbatical Time: Sabbatical is still in process for Gayle Murphy and the Congregation. Please do not think for a second that the church will suffer during this time away because worship will be expertly led by a group of lay or visiting preachers. Pastoral care will be provided by the Deacons and the Lay Visitors, and the programming of the church will go on because you are the ones to do the work of the church. There will be clergy available for any crisis that comes up. This Sabbatical time will be used by Gayle to work on her preaching and worship leadership, a visit to El Salvador, and study of a new church movement called the Emerging Church. FOR YOU - You have the same opportunity to use this time deliberately to grow in understanding of these same areas and do some spiritual deepening of your own. Gayle’s office will be turned into a resource room, holding many of the same books Gayle will be reading and devotional books and websites for your own spiritual growth. The books, cd’s and movies will be available for you to sign out for your use.

Communion Offering: The February Mission offering will go to support Epilogos, a non-profit organization in San Jose Villenueva, El Salvador where Rev. Gayle Murphy will spend a portion of her Sabbatical time. The founders, Mike and Susie Jenkins from Concord, NH, and other staff work in areas of housing, education, health care and water resources. Mike and Susie were originally Peace Corps volunteers in El Salvador, lived in New Hampshire for several years, but then took early retirement so they could volunteer full-time in El Salvador. They ensure the money donated goes directly to the work in San Jose Villanueva and not to support big organizational expenses. Gayle will be our Church's ambassador for bringing donated mission proceeds to support their cause. The web-site for Epilogos can give you pictures and more information about the organization's efforts in El Salvador. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Sabbatical Prayers: The pillar candle by the Bible in the Sanctuary is to remind us to pray for Gayle while on her Sabbatical. She, too, will have a candle to light during her devotions to remember to pray for all of you!

Prayer Concerns & Joys: During Gayle’s Sabbatical, please contact a Deacon to have any prayer concerns and/or joys submitted for the Bulletin.

Lay/Guest Preachers: Wondering who is Preaching during Sabbatical? Pick up the list from the table outside of Fellowship Hall.

Taize Worship: Jo Chase is looking for extra readers for NCC’s Taize Worship service on February 28th. Please contact her at 942.8940 if you’d like to help out!

Men’s Service: On March 14th, NCC will have a special service called “Testimonies of Faith.” This service is designed specifically for men to share their faith. Please contact Jo Chase at 942.8940 if you would be interested in sharing with the congregation.

Prepared to Serve: The New Hampshire Conference will be holding its ‘Prepared to Serve’ conference on Feb. 20, 2010 at Pembroke Academy in Pembroke, NH. The day will include almost 60 workshops to help prepare Lay and Clergy to better serve the church. Information packets including a Registration Form are available on the table outside Fellowship Hall or online at Walk-in registration is still open at the fee of $40 per person.
Gift Cards to Benefit NCC: Gift card orders are due this week! We will continue to take orders for gift cards after the holiday season has passed. Order forms are available in Fellowship Hall. Orders will be submitted on the 3rd Sunday of each month and cards handed out on the 4th Sunday. Contact Tiffany at 332.5808 or with questions.

Shoveling assistance: April showers may bring May flowers, but winter storms bring blocked walkways...and we need your assistance with shoveling. If you would be willing to be on call or responsible for a certain day, please let Dan Ferguson or the Church office know.

Sunday School Teachers needed: We have the greatest kids in our Church school and they need even greater Sunday School Teachers and Substitutes. We are looking to fill slots for January, February or March. There is a wonderful curriculum to share! Please contact Scott Hignett, Diane Prescott or Pam English.

Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.

Today 10:30am Envisioning Committee
Monday 7:00pm Trustees
Tuesday 7:00pm Deacons
7:00pm Finance Committee
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir

Friday, February 5, 2010

February 7 - Announements & Meetings

Epiphany Arts Festival: Look and see the beauty of our creations surrounding you. These artworks celebrate how God’s spirit is made known in the gifts and talents of each and every one of us. This beauty will all be displayed until the Sanctuary is cleared out for the simplicity of Lent in February. Many thanks to Neil English for coordinating this Festival and for the people who aided Neil in displaying your treasures.

Sabbatical Time: Sabbatical has begun for Gayle Murphy and the Congregation. Please do not think for a second that the church will suffer during this time away because worship will be ex
pertly led by a group of lay or visiting preachers. Pastoral care will be provided by the Deacons and the Lay Visitors, and the programming of the church will go on because you are the ones to do the work of the church. There will be clergy available for any crisis that comes up. This Sabbatical time will be used by Gayle to work on her preaching and worship leadership, a visit to El Salvador, and study of a new church movement called the Emerging Church. FOR YOU - You have the same opportunity to use this time deliberately to grow in understanding of these same areas and do some spiritual deepening of your own. Gayle’s office will be turned into a resource room, holding many of the same books Gayle will be reading and devotional books and websites for your own spiritual growth. The books, cd’s and movies will be available for you to sign out for your use.

Communion Offering: The February Mission offering will go to support Epilogos, a non-profit organization in San Jose Villenueva, El Salvador where Rev. Gayle Murphy will spend a portion of her Sabbatical time. The founders, Mike and Susie Jenkins from Concord, NH, and other staff work in areas of housing, education, health care and water resources. Mike and Susie were originally Peace Corps volunteers in El Salvador, lived in New Hampshire for several years, but then took early retirement so they could volunteer full-time in El Salvador. They ensure the money donated goes directly to the work in San Jose Villanueva and not to support big organizational expenses. Gayle will be our Church's ambassador for bringing donated mission proceeds to support their cause. The web-site for Epilogos can give you pictures and more information about the organization's efforts in El Salvador. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.) Please note that there are now Mission envelopes on the table outside Fellowship Hall and in the back of the Sanctuary for your convenience. Please be sure to put your name or Giving Number and where you would like the money to be allocated to.

Sabbatical Prayers: The pillar candle by the Bible in the Sanctuary is to remind us to pray for Gayle while on her Sabbatical. She, too, will have a candle to light during her devotions to remember to pray for all of you!

Prayer Concerns & Joys: During Gayle’s Sabbatical, please contact a Deacon to have any prayer concerns and/or joys submitted for the Bulletin.

Lay/Guest Preachers: Wondering who is Preaching during Sabbatical? Pick up the list from the table outside of Fellowship Hall.

Taize Worship: Jo Chase is looking for extra readers for NCC’s Taize Worship service on February 28th. Please contact her at 942.8940 if you’d like to help out!

Men’s Service: On March 14th, NCC will have a special service called “Testimonies of Faith.” This service is designed specifically for men to share their faith. Please contact Jo Chase at 942.8940 if you would be interested in sharing with the congregation.

Prepared to Serve: The New Hampshire Conference will be holding its ‘Prepared to Serve’ conference on February 20, 2010 at Pembroke Academy in Pembroke, NH. The day will include almost 60 workshops to help prepare Lay and Clergy to better serve the church. Information packets including a Registration Form are available on the table outside Fellowship Hall or online at Walk-in registration is still open at the fee of $40 per person.

Gift Cards to Benefit NCC: Gift card orders are due this week! We will continue to take orders for gift cards after the holiday season has passed. Order forms are available in Fellowship Hall. Orders will be submitted on the 3rd Sunday of each month and cards
handed out on the 4th Sunday. Contact Tiffany at 332.5808 or with questions.

Shoveling assistance: April showers may bring May flowers, but winter storms bring blocked walkways...and we need your assistance with shoveling. If you would be willing to be on call or responsible for a certain day, please let Dan Ferguson or the Church office know.

Sunday School Teachers needed: We have the greatest kids in our Church school and they need even greater Sunday School Teachers and Substitutes. We are looking to fill slots for January, February or March. There is a wonderful curriculum to share! Please contact Scott Hignett, Diane Prescott or Pam English.

Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.

Living with Grief: Concord Hospital and CRVNA is hosting a live teleconference on March 24th from 1:30-4:30pm on Living with Grief: Cancer and End-of-Life Care. This program is free and open to the public. Flyers are available on the table outside of Fellowship Hall.

Today 10:30am Envisioning Committee
Monday 7:00pm Trustees
Tuesday 7:00pm Deacons
7:00pm Finance Committee
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir

Monday, February 1, 2010