
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

January 3, 2010- Announcements

Let’s sing together: There will be a town-wide Hymn-singing on Sunday, January 10th at 5:00pm. We will gather at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church for a pot-luck supper, followed by a chance to sing your favorite Hymns or Christian music.

Gift Cards to Benefit NCC: We will continue to take orders for gift cards after the holiday season has passed. Order forms are available in Fellowship Hall. Orders will be submitted on the 3rd Sunday of each month and cards handed out on the 4th Sunday. Contact Tiffany at 332-5808 or with questions.
Shoveling assistance: April showers may bring May flowers, but winter storms bring blocked walkways...and we need your assistance with shoveling. If you would be willing to be on call or responsible for a certain day, please let Dan Ferguson or the Church office know.

Sunday School Teachers needed: We have the greatest kids in our Church school and they need even greater Sunday School Teachers and Substitutes. We are looking to fill slots for January, February or March. There is a wonderful curriculum to share! Please contact Scott Hignett, Diane Prescott or Pam English.

Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.

Christmas Eve Offering: $ 1,109.39
12/27/09 Offering: Income $ 1,087.00 Budgeted: $ 1,097.00
Attendance: 38 Adults, 3 Children

SYNC: Loving and supporting teenagers can be an exhilarating, painful, exciting, frightful, rewarding and frustrating experience. How we stay connected with our teens, and who our teens are connected with, can be key components in supporting young people in exploring their worlds constructively. Join us on January 6, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at Coe Brown Northwood Academy to spend an evening with Stephen Andrew, LCSW, LADC, CCS. Stephen brings extensive experience working with children and adults and will share in helping us more effectively support the healthy development of all teens. Learn more at This event is FREE and open to the public. Refreshments served. Event sponsored by SYNC (Supporting Youth In Communities) Coalition. For more information on SYNC Coalition, visit at

The Epiphany Arts Festival will once again transform the sanctuary into a visual delight during January and February under the talented hands of our own Neil English. It is time to be thinking of your special creation(s) to share. PLEASE NOTE: All entries MUST be received by 7 pm on January 5th—no later. The festival is about showcasing the talent that resides within our greater church family and their relatives; all art forms are encouraged. Photographs and wall artwork must be framed to include two screw eyes with frame wire attached. Fabric wall hangings should include some means for hanging; quilts must have hanging “sleeves”; wooden rods will be provided. Forms must be filled out in duplicate to expedite identification. Please make note that the show will be dismantled after church on February 14th . Arrangements should be made for removal of your piece at that time. For further information, call Neil at 736-9681.

Friday, December 4, 2009

December 6 - Announcements & Meetings

Advent Devotions: Advent is the Season of preparation for the Coming of Christ. We will be posting Advent Devotions on NCC’s website on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Check them out and use them to help with your spiritual journey through Advent.

Advent Booklets: are now available on the table outside Fellowship Hall. These are for families to use as Daily Devotionals. This year’s booklet is filled with stories from people of faith in all times.

Christmas by Design: Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make Christmas by Design such a huge success. Fund-raisers are crucial to the financial well-being of the church and you all make them happen!

St. Paul’s: St. Paul’s School in Concord invites the public to its Annual Service of Lessons and Carols. It is held

Communion Offering: During this holiday season, the Northwood Congregational Church will be collecting for a variety of worthwhile causes. With the economic turmoil continuing to impact all of us, we understand this is a very challenging time for everyone. So let Christ guide you in what you can offer this holiday season whether it is your time to help others, your monthly mission offerings, gifts of food or goods, or any other support you can offer to those in need. We are providing some early information so you can plan your year-end giving to those in need as part of the Church Community. Christmas Baskets: As discussed above we will be food for the December Missions to help distribute 14 Christmas Baskets in coordination with the Diaconate. (Sign up sheet is inside Fellowship Hall.) Santa's Helpers: Get those needles clicking! Again this year, we will be participating in Santa's Helper in coordination with the Northwood Fire Department. In years past, we have been very successful in providing children's mittens and hats to distribute to needy families. Please pick some up as you shop this year as we know they get hard to find as winter approaches. We will begin collecting them in December. Christmas Gift Family in Need: We are currently working with our local community leaders to identify a family that we can provide assistance in the form of Christmas gift giving. We are currently reviewing appropriate Mission causes for the sharing of the donations from the Christmas Eve Church service. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Gift Cards to Benefit NCC: NCC can easily make some extra money by selling gifts cards from major retailers. Here's how it works: let Pam English know which gift cards in what amounts you’d like to purchase, write a check out for that amount to Northwood Congregational Church and give it to Pam at church on Sundays (i.e.: JC Penny, Regal Cinemas). They will be processed on a weekly basis. You receive the gift card no more 10 days later, probably sooner. Our church gets a certain percent of the purchase, there’s no fee to you and in some cases there may even be a perk or two! Please see our church-wide e-mail for further detailed information and a list of participating retailers is available on the table outside of Fellowship Hall.

Christmas Caroling Coordinator: Could you please assist us in organizing a Christmas Caroling party for the church? Contact Gayle if you are interested.

Poinsettias for Christmas: Would you like to donate a plant for a shut-in or dedicate one for a loved one, etc. These would make for a lovely addition to our Christmas decorating for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. They will be placed in the sanctuary from December 13 through the 24th. Please contact Brenda Dunbar at 942-5954 to make arrangements to have them at the church and inform us as to your wish of giving them to a shut-in or taking care of the plant yourself.

Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.

Last Week: Income $ 717.50 Budgeted: $ 1,097.00
Attendance: 55 Adults, 15 Children

Monday 6:30pm Men’s Dinner
Tuesday 10:30am Lay Visitors
6:30pm Finance Committee
7:00pm Deacons
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Next Sunday 9:00am Worship
Children’s Pageant
5:00pm Lessons & Carols at
St. Paul’s School

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Advent Devotion - December 1, 2009

This is the first of our Advent devotions using our Website to connect with you all. There will be a new devotion every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and I hope it will become a part of your Advent ritual. In the midst of all that life is demanding of us, I trust that these devotions will be easy to access and will help you to make room for God in your holiday preparations.
For what we access in this devotional time is God. The God who comes into this world as an unassuming child. The God who overcame all in the resurrection of that child 33 years later. The God who guides us in the teachings of Jesus as he walked in our world between birth and death.
Setting aside time for God is far more important than setting aside time for all that needs to be done at this time of year. So do try to set aside the time to check into this blog and to pray. The hope is that you will then be aware of God’s presence with you as you shop, decorate, make gifts for our friends and family, and all the other important things that you do at this time of year. May you find God’s blessing in it all.

PRAYER: Gracious God, who in Your infinite patience, awaits us in this season of Advent. Let us breathe in Your spirit. Let us be guided by Your presence. Let us serve You in all we do in these days. We pray it in Jesus’s name. Amen.