Beginning of Advent: Today marks the beginning of Advent, which is the Season of preparation for the Coming of Christ. We will be posting Advent Devotions on NCC’s website on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Check them out and use them to help with your spiritual journey through Advent.
Advent Booklets: are now available on the table outside Fellowship Hall. These are for families to use as Daily Devotionals. This year’s booklet is filled with stories from people of faith in all times.
Christmas by Design: On Saturday, December 5th from 9am-2 pm NCC will have ‘Christmas by Design.’ Lucy & Friends Christmas Greens, creative chefs and crafters will share their skills with demonstrations and sales of products. Storytelling with NH Hampshire’s own humorist, Becky Rule. Music played by John Schroeder! A “Conversation Café” invites people to have a cup of soup with warm homemade bread or taste-treats from the chefs. Then, too, gifts for giving and food fare for entertaining will help you prepare for the coming holiday season.
Christmas by Design Raffle: Our raffle baskets will be in Fellowship Hall today. Please come down, inspect, and maybe purchase a few tickets. We will also have a couple of surprises for you next Saturday. We are a part of "Christmas by Design" and all proceeds go to our church.
Communion Offering: During this holiday season, the Northwood Congregational Church will be collecting for a variety of worthwhile causes. With the economic turmoil continuing to impact all of us, we understand this is a very challenging time for everyone. So let Christ guide you in what you can offer this holiday season whether it is your time to help others, your monthly mission offerings, gifts of food or goods, or any other support you can offer to those in need. We are providing some early information so you can plan your year-end giving to those in need as part of the Church Community. Christmas Baskets: As discussed above we will be food for the December Missions to help distribute 14 Christmas Baskets in coordination with the Diaconate. (Sign up sheet is inside Fellowship Hall.) Santa's Helpers: Get those needles clicking! Again this year, we will be participating in Santa's Helper in coordination with the Northwood Fire Department. In years past, we have been very successful in providing children's mittens and hats to distribute to needy families. Please pick some up as you shop this year as we know they get hard to find as winter approaches. We will begin collecting them in December. Christmas Gift Family in Need: We are currently working with our local community leaders to identify a family that we can provide assistance in the form of Christmas gift giving. We are currently reviewing appropriate Mission causes for the sharing of the donations from the Christmas Eve Church service. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Help with Advent Children’s Messages: We are looking for a team of four who can present our Advent Children’s Messages. There is a prepared script and there is no need for rehearsal or talent. Please see Gayle if you might enjoy this.
Christmas Caroling Coordinator: Could you please assist us in organizing a Christmas Caroling party for the church? Contact Gayle if you are interested.
Poinsettias for Christmas: Would you like to donate a plant for a shut-in or dedicate one for a loved one, etc. These would make for a lovely addition to our Christmas decorating for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. They will be placed in the sanctuary from December 13 through the 24th. Please contact Brenda Dunbar at 942-5954 to make arrangements to have them at the church and inform us as to your wish of giving them to a shut-in or taking care of the plant yourself.
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Last Week: Income $ 977.00 Budgeted: $ 1,097.00
Attendance: 55 Adults, 16 Children
Tuesday 7:00pm Christian Education Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Saturday 9-2:00pm Christmas by Design
881 First NH Turnpike, Northwood, NH 03261 603.942.7116. Our regular worship is Sunday at 9:30am.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Nov. 22 - Announcements & Meetings
This Is What We Are Thankful for: Many thanks to all who contributed items to fill 14 Thanksgiving Baskets! Thanks to those who donated food, donated money for turkeys and hams, donated your time to deliver baskets, to Ken Bowick who is coordinating the assembly of the boxes and to the Northwood Country Market who donated 10 turkeys and are selling the last 4 to us at cost. These baskets will make a huge difference to 14 families here in Northwood.
Town-wide Thanksgiving Service: There will be a town-wide Thanksgiving Service this afternoon at 5:30pm at the Baptist Church. There will be a food in-gathering to benefit the Northwood Food Pantry.
Christmas by Design: On Saturday, December 5th from 9am-2 pm NCC will have ‘Christmas by Design.’ Lucy & Friends Christmas Greens, creative chefs and crafters will share their skills with demonstrations and sales of products. Storytelling with NH Hampshire’s own humorist, Becky Rule. Music played by John Schroeder! A “Conversation Café” invites people to have a cup of soup with warm homemade bread or taste-treats from the chefs. Then, too, gifts for giving and food fare for entertaining will help you prepare for the coming holiday season.
Communion Offering: In these hard economic times, our community needs our holiday help. The Deacons and Mission Committee have agreed to provide fourteen holiday baskets this Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Communion Offering for the month of November will go towards the purchase of turkeys and hams for each basket. Thank you for your generosity. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Help with Advent Children’s Messages: We are looking for a team of four who can present our Advent Children’s Messages. There is a prepared script and there is no need for rehearsal or talent. Please see Gayle if you might enjoy this.
Christmas Caroling Coordinator: Could you please assist us in organizing a Christmas Caroling party for the church? Contact Gayle if you are interested.
Poinsettias for Christmas: Would you like to donate a plant for a shut-in or dedicate one for a loved one, etc. These would make for a lovely addition to our Christmas decorating for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. They will be placed in the sanctuary from December 13 through the 24th. Please contact Brenda Dunbar at 942-5954 to make arrangements to have them at the church and inform us as to your wish of giving them to a shut-in or taking care of the plant yourself.
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Last Week: Income $ 625.00 Budgeted: $ 1,097.00
Attendance: 50 Adults, 14 Children
Sunday 5:30pm Town-wide Thanksgiving Service– Baptist Church Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Friday Church office closed: Thanksgiving Holiday
Next Sunday Beginning of Advent
This Is What We Are Thankful for: Many thanks to all who contributed items to fill 14 Thanksgiving Baskets! Thanks to those who donated food, donated money for turkeys and hams, donated your time to deliver baskets, to Ken Bowick who is coordinating the assembly of the boxes and to the Northwood Country Market who donated 10 turkeys and are selling the last 4 to us at cost. These baskets will make a huge difference to 14 families here in Northwood.
Town-wide Thanksgiving Service: There will be a town-wide Thanksgiving Service this afternoon at 5:30pm at the Baptist Church. There will be a food in-gathering to benefit the Northwood Food Pantry.
Christmas by Design: On Saturday, December 5th from 9am-2 pm NCC will have ‘Christmas by Design.’ Lucy & Friends Christmas Greens, creative chefs and crafters will share their skills with demonstrations and sales of products. Storytelling with NH Hampshire’s own humorist, Becky Rule. Music played by John Schroeder! A “Conversation Café” invites people to have a cup of soup with warm homemade bread or taste-treats from the chefs. Then, too, gifts for giving and food fare for entertaining will help you prepare for the coming holiday season.
Communion Offering: In these hard economic times, our community needs our holiday help. The Deacons and Mission Committee have agreed to provide fourteen holiday baskets this Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Communion Offering for the month of November will go towards the purchase of turkeys and hams for each basket. Thank you for your generosity. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Help with Advent Children’s Messages: We are looking for a team of four who can present our Advent Children’s Messages. There is a prepared script and there is no need for rehearsal or talent. Please see Gayle if you might enjoy this.
Christmas Caroling Coordinator: Could you please assist us in organizing a Christmas Caroling party for the church? Contact Gayle if you are interested.
Poinsettias for Christmas: Would you like to donate a plant for a shut-in or dedicate one for a loved one, etc. These would make for a lovely addition to our Christmas decorating for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. They will be placed in the sanctuary from December 13 through the 24th. Please contact Brenda Dunbar at 942-5954 to make arrangements to have them at the church and inform us as to your wish of giving them to a shut-in or taking care of the plant yourself.
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Last Week: Income $ 625.00 Budgeted: $ 1,097.00
Attendance: 50 Adults, 14 Children
Sunday 5:30pm Town-wide Thanksgiving Service– Baptist Church Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Friday Church office closed: Thanksgiving Holiday
Next Sunday Beginning of Advent
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Late October Newsletter
This should get you to a free hosting service where you can download the newsletter:
NCC Later October Newsletter
NCC Later October Newsletter
Friday, November 13, 2009
Nov. 15 - Announcements & Meetings
Congregational Meeting: You are invited to a meeting after worship today to hear about Sabbatical time for Gayle and the church from mid January through early April. We will make presentations about the concept of Sabbatical, our specific plans and how the church will function while Gayle is gone. Come with your questions and concerns, and we will attempt to answer them. The meeting will be held in the Sanctuary immediately following worship.
Communion Offering: In these hard economic times, our community needs our holiday help. The Deacons and Mission Committee have agreed to provide fourteen holiday baskets this Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Communion Offering for the month of November will go towards the purchase of turkeys and hams for each basket. There also is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall for the other contents of the baskets. All items are due back by 9:00 am on Sunday, November 22. Thank you for your generosity. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Help with Advent Children’s Messages: We are looking for a team of four who can present our Advent Children’s Messages. There is a prepared script and there is no need for rehearsal or talent. Please see Gayle if you might enjoy this.
Christmas Caroling Coordinator: Could you please assist us in organizing a Christmas Caroling party for the church? Contact Gayle if you are interested.
Town-wide Thanksgiving Service: There will be a town-wide Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 22 at 5:30pm at the Baptist Church. There will be a food in-gathering to benefit the Northwood Food Pantry. Even if you are unable to join us in Worship in the morning, come to the Town-wide Service.
Envisioning Survey: As we go about our Envisioning Process,
we are seeking to find out how well this church serves its parishioners. The surveys were sent out in the last newsletter and were sent electronically to those who receive the newsletter by email. Use as much room as you need to answer the questions, and we hope that everyone in the family will fill one out. There is a designated box for you to return the survey in the upstairs hall way, under the time line. Or they can be mailed to the church at PO Box 65, Northwood, NH 03261 or given to any committee member (Michael Magoon, Priscilla Merrill or Gayle Murphy.)
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Last Week: Income $ 1,047.25 Budgeted: $ 1,097.00
Attendance: 49 Adults, 13 Children
Sunday 2:30pm Installation of Bryan Moore as Pastor at Candia Church
Tuesday 5:30pm Study of Acts
7:00pm Church Council
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Friday 2:00pm Lay Visitors
5:30pm Envisioning Committee
Congregational Meeting: You are invited to a meeting after worship today to hear about Sabbatical time for Gayle and the church from mid January through early April. We will make presentations about the concept of Sabbatical, our specific plans and how the church will function while Gayle is gone. Come with your questions and concerns, and we will attempt to answer them. The meeting will be held in the Sanctuary immediately following worship.
Communion Offering: In these hard economic times, our community needs our holiday help. The Deacons and Mission Committee have agreed to provide fourteen holiday baskets this Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Communion Offering for the month of November will go towards the purchase of turkeys and hams for each basket. There also is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall for the other contents of the baskets. All items are due back by 9:00 am on Sunday, November 22. Thank you for your generosity. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Help with Advent Children’s Messages: We are looking for a team of four who can present our Advent Children’s Messages. There is a prepared script and there is no need for rehearsal or talent. Please see Gayle if you might enjoy this.
Christmas Caroling Coordinator: Could you please assist us in organizing a Christmas Caroling party for the church? Contact Gayle if you are interested.
Town-wide Thanksgiving Service: There will be a town-wide Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 22 at 5:30pm at the Baptist Church. There will be a food in-gathering to benefit the Northwood Food Pantry. Even if you are unable to join us in Worship in the morning, come to the Town-wide Service.
Envisioning Survey: As we go about our Envisioning Process,
we are seeking to find out how well this church serves its parishioners. The surveys were sent out in the last newsletter and were sent electronically to those who receive the newsletter by email. Use as much room as you need to answer the questions, and we hope that everyone in the family will fill one out. There is a designated box for you to return the survey in the upstairs hall way, under the time line. Or they can be mailed to the church at PO Box 65, Northwood, NH 03261 or given to any committee member (Michael Magoon, Priscilla Merrill or Gayle Murphy.)
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Last Week: Income $ 1,047.25 Budgeted: $ 1,097.00
Attendance: 49 Adults, 13 Children
Sunday 2:30pm Installation of Bryan Moore as Pastor at Candia Church
Tuesday 5:30pm Study of Acts
7:00pm Church Council
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Friday 2:00pm Lay Visitors
5:30pm Envisioning Committee
Friday, November 6, 2009
November 8 - Announcements & Meetings
Congregational Meeting: You are invited to a meeting after worship on November 15th to hear about Sabbatical time for Gayle and the church from mid January through early April. We will make presentations about the concept of Sabbatical, our specific plans and how the church will function while Gayle is gone. Come with your questions and concerns, and we will attempt to answer them. The meeting will be held in the Sanctuary immediately following worship.
Communion Offering: In these hard economic times, our community needs our holiday help. The Deacons and Mission Committee have agreed to provide fourteen holiday baskets this Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Communion Offering for the month of November will go towards the purchase of turkeys and hams for each basket. There also is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall for the other con
tents of the baskets. All items are due back by 9:00 am on Sunday, November 22. Thank you for your generosity. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Study of Acts: We will continue our study of the Biblical book of Acts on Tuesday evenings at 5:30. This week we will focus on Chapters 21-24 and pay particular attention to the early Christian commitment to Jesus. Anyone can come at 5:00 for a brown bag dinner.
Town-wide Thanksgiving Service: There will be a town-wide Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 22 at 5:00. The location is yet to be determined, but we know there will be a food in-gathering to benefit the Northwood Food Pantry. Save the date and look for the details soon.
Envisioning Survey: As we go about our Envisioning Process,
we are seeking to find out how well this church serves its parishioners. The surveys were sent out in the last newsletter and were sent electronically to those who receive the newsletter by email. Use as much room as you need to answer the questions, and we hope that everyone in the family will fill one out. There is a designated box for you to return the survey in the upstairs hall way, under the time line. Or they can be mailed to the church at PO Box 65, Northwood, NH 03261 or given to any committee member (Michael Magoon, Priscilla Merrill or Gayle Murphy.)
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Last Week: Income $ 1,327.00 Budgeted: $ 1,097.00
Attendance: 43 Adults, 4 Children
Community Play: The Northwood Theatre Workshop is putting on the play, “The Crucible.” There is one show remaining today, November 8 at 2:00 pm. Tickets are available by calling 339-2080, and ticket prices are $12.00/$10.00 for Seniors and Students.
Sunday 1:00pm Envisioning Committee
Monday 7:00pm Trustees
Tuesday 5:30pm Study of Acts
6:30pm Finance Committee
7:00pm Deacons
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir
Congregational Meeting: You are invited to a meeting after worship on November 15th to hear about Sabbatical time for Gayle and the church from mid January through early April. We will make presentations about the concept of Sabbatical, our specific plans and how the church will function while Gayle is gone. Come with your questions and concerns, and we will attempt to answer them. The meeting will be held in the Sanctuary immediately following worship.
Communion Offering: In these hard economic times, our community needs our holiday help. The Deacons and Mission Committee have agreed to provide fourteen holiday baskets this Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Communion Offering for the month of November will go towards the purchase of turkeys and hams for each basket. There also is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall for the other con
tents of the baskets. All items are due back by 9:00 am on Sunday, November 22. Thank you for your generosity. (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)
Study of Acts: We will continue our study of the Biblical book of Acts on Tuesday evenings at 5:30. This week we will focus on Chapters 21-24 and pay particular attention to the early Christian commitment to Jesus. Anyone can come at 5:00 for a brown bag dinner.
Town-wide Thanksgiving Service: There will be a town-wide Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 22 at 5:00. The location is yet to be determined, but we know there will be a food in-gathering to benefit the Northwood Food Pantry. Save the date and look for the details soon.
Envisioning Survey: As we go about our Envisioning Process,
we are seeking to find out how well this church serves its parishioners. The surveys were sent out in the last newsletter and were sent electronically to those who receive the newsletter by email. Use as much room as you need to answer the questions, and we hope that everyone in the family will fill one out. There is a designated box for you to return the survey in the upstairs hall way, under the time line. Or they can be mailed to the church at PO Box 65, Northwood, NH 03261 or given to any committee member (Michael Magoon, Priscilla Merrill or Gayle Murphy.)
Centering Prayer: You are all invited to a time of centering prayer every Wednesday at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Jo Chase is hosting us in her home at 306 Catamount Road.
Last Week: Income $ 1,327.00 Budgeted: $ 1,097.00
Attendance: 43 Adults, 4 Children
Community Play: The Northwood Theatre Workshop is putting on the play, “The Crucible.” There is one show remaining today, November 8 at 2:00 pm. Tickets are available by calling 339-2080, and ticket prices are $12.00/$10.00 for Seniors and Students.
Sunday 1:00pm Envisioning Committee
Monday 7:00pm Trustees
Tuesday 5:30pm Study of Acts
6:30pm Finance Committee
7:00pm Deacons
Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer
Thursday 7:00pm Choir