
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Announcements for the last week of June

Sunday was Judy Frase’s last day as we welcome Ruthie Bencal as our summer organist. This church is overflowing with abundant musical talent and we are deeply grateful to Judy for sharing her gifts and her faith with us. We will look forward to her returning in the fall.

Our children will be planting a garden in summer Sunday School. We still need adults and youth to help our children. There will be a sign-up outside of Fellowship Hall for you to sign up for one Sunday during the summer to help. We also need someone who will put up a fence around the garden to keep our neighborly critters from eating all the fruits of the children’s work.

Join friends, family, and church members for the 4th Annual NH Fishercats ballgame. This year we have an opportunity to be part of the pre-game, non-denominational faith discussion with a group of Fishercats in the baseball chapel. A group will leave from the NCC parking lot at 4:30pm, or you can meet us at the Box Office. Tickets are limited, so please sign up below to reserve your tickets. Tickets are $10 each. For more information, contact Michael Magoon at 603-608-5444.

The number of people finding it necessary to use the Northwood Food Pantry continues to increase- a sure sign of the poor economic situation we are now experiencing. The Missions Committee is asking the congregation to please contribute non-perishable food, personal hygiene items and/or monetary donations to the Northwood Food Pantry during the month of June. A box is located in Fellowship Hall for your donations. Thank you to all for your support! (Please note: when making checks to support Mission giving, make them payable to NCC, with Mission in the Memo section, so that the funds can be properly tracked and then allocated to that Mission.)

Centering prayer is silent and peaceful…where we offer our time as a love offering to God. It allows us to invite God’s presence and open ourselves to grow in relationship with God. The Centering prayer group meets Wednesday mornings at 8:00am at 11 Blaisdell Dr. Time and day may change to meet members’ needs. The prayer time lasts 30 minutes. Anyone is welcome. If you have questions or need directions, speak with Mary Ann Lippincott 942.6070.

A book study meets on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm. The group is reading The Shack which discusses evil in the world, bad things happening to good people and how to understand God and ourselves in relations to this. It is a good and easy read, and you are welcome to join them.

Last Week: Income $ 744.14 Budgeted: $ 1,097.00

Attendance: 59 Adults, 5 Children


· There was a small silver key left in Kat’s office. It looks like a key that may go to a lock box or file cabinet. It is taped to the base of the monitor waiting for its owner.

· A bag of matchbox cars was left in Fellowship Hall and are seeking out the special child that is missing them and they would like to be driven home. (On counter behind Kat’s desk.)

· A navy blue Par Four jacket was found in Fellowship Hall and would like to be reclaimed and protect its owner from all the rain. (On counter behind Kat’s desk.)


Wednesday 8:00am Centering Prayer

(Lippincott/McCann home)

6:00pm Book Study: The Shack

Friday Office closed for 4th of July