
Sunday, February 22, 2009

The season of Lent begins at the end of this month
with the observance of Ash Wednesday. This is a brief evening service on February 25th beginning at 7:00 which ushers us into the
penitent nature of Lent. It is a deeply moving service when the
ashes of humanity are placed upon our foreheads, we confess our
need for God’s presence and forgiveness in our lives, and wait for
the fulfillment of Lent in the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter.
The Lenten theme for the sermons during the course of the season will focus on
different ways that relationship with God is broken. We hope this theme will help each of
us identify with the different ways we have broken our relationship with God and will point
us to look into Biblical precedence for the estrangement from God and its answers of rec-
onciliation for us.

We will offer a class on Peace during this time; looking at the different forms of
peace; freedom from war, freedom from interpersonal conflict, spiritual peace, how to par-
ent your children in the ways of peace, and ways for us to be involved in bringing about
peace in our world. The classes will be held on Wednesday evenings beginning March 11, and
will begin with a pot-luck supper at 6:00, and the class beginning at 7:00-8:30.
We have some exciting events coming at the end of Lent with Palm Sunday, Maundy
Thursday, and Easter Sunday. This year we will be adding a Good Friday service which you
can attend for 30 minute segments during the late afternoon and early evening.

Announcements for the week of 2/22

*This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Season of Lent. We will have a service at 7:00pm which will remind us of our need for God and we will receive the blessing of the ashes.
*37th Annual Camping & RV Show Fundraiser for NCC:
Please consider volunteering to help at the ticket booth to raise money for our church! We are looking for volunteers for Friday (02/27), Saturday (02/28) or Sunday (03/01). There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall so you can sign-up for the shift that best fits your schedule. Thank you to Gregg Pitman for offering this opportunity to our congregation. For more information, or if you have questions, please contact Michael Magoon at 603-608-5444.
*December 2008 brought another natural disaster to the state. The devastating ice storm will not be easily forgotten! The Red Cross was again at work assisting where needed. Our February missions offerings will be sent to our local Red Cross Chapter in Concord. As always, the Missions Committee thanks you and appreciates your support.

*Do you want to have some fun with the people sitting beside you in the pews? Plan to join us for a progressive dinner on Saturday, March 14th. Right now we are looking for 4 homes that would welcome us for a part of the meal. Please contact Jane Martin (942.8014), Sheri DeTrude (942.7616) or Lynn Warner (664.2189) to volunteer. Further details will follow as the date approaches.

*This is the last Sunday you can sit in the beauty of our Epiphany Arts Festival. We have this Festival to show off what the Holy Spirit can do through our artwork. The Sanctuary will be made bare and simple to experience the inward focus of Lent.

*Do you have a key to the church? Dan Ferguson is updating a list of all keyholders and is requesting that if you have a key,to please let him know at or 942.8831.
*In an effort to make NCC's e-mail more "user-friendly" and less cumbersome, we are changing Gayle's email to and Kat's e-mail to Kindly update your files and address books.

*Last Week: Income $ 1,097.00 Budgeted: $1,097.00 Attendance: 72 Adults,19 Children. Further information is available in the monthly newsletter.
Today** 10:30pm*Lay Preachers Group
***3:00pm*Installation of Rev.
*****Richard Slater
Wednesday* 7:00pm**Ash Wednesday Service
Friday** 5:30pm* Envisioning Committee

Sunday, February 8, 2009

2/8 Announcements

Look around you and take in the beauty of God*s gifts made real in our Epiphany Arts Festival. Epiphany celebrates the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and we recognize this by sharing with one another the great gifts that are expressed in your poetry, art-work, and hand-crafts. We are deeply grateful to Neil English for his organization of this event and his artist*s sensibility in displaying all the items offered for the Festival.
*December 2008 brought another natural disaster to the state. The devastating ice storm will not be easily forgotten! The Red Cross was again at work assisting where needed. Our February missions offerings will be sent to our local Red Cross Chapter in Concord. As always, the Missions Committee thanks you and appreciates your support.
*Prepared to Serve will be held on Saturday, February 14th at Pembroke Academy. As the name implies, this is a day of workshops designed to help us lead the church and serve God's people. There are more than 53 offerings from Conflict Resolution to Yoga to Fair Trade Ambassadors. The registration fee is $32 and although they will take walk-ins, it is suggested that you register as soon as possible.
*37th Annual Camping & RV Show Fundraiser for NCC:
Please consider volunteering to help at the ticket booth to raise money for our church! We are looking for volunteers for Friday (02/27), Saturday (02/28) or Sunday (03/01). There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall so you can sign-up for the shift that best fits your schedule. Thank you to Gregg Pitman for offering this opportunity to our congregation. For more information, or if you have questions, please contact Michael Magoon at 603-608-5444.
*NEW MEMBERS CLASS: If you have been visiting the Northwood Congregational Church, UCC lately and find that it is a place that welcomes you and draws you into community, we would like you to consider membership at the church. We will be holding a New Members Class today at 3:00pm. This is the place where you can learn about the church and our expectations for church membership. New members will join during worship on February 15. It's not too late to join us, but please let Gayle Murphy know.
*Do you want to have some fun with the people sitting beside you in the pews? Plan to join us for a progressive dinner on Saturday, March 14th. Right now we are looking for 4 homes that would welcome us for a part of the meal. Please contact Jane Martin (942.8014), Sheri DeTrude (942.7616) or Lynn Warner (664.2189) to volunteer. Further details will follow as the date approaches.
*Last Week: Income $ 615.00 - Budgeted: $1,097.00 Attendance: 40 Adults. Further information is available in the monthly newsletter.
Today** 10:30pm*Confirmation Class
** 12:00pm*Envisioning Committee
***3:00pm*New Members Class
Tuesday**6:30pm*Finance Committee
Thursday**7:00pm*Choir practice
Kat Abdelwahid
Administrative Assistant
Northwood Congregational Church
881 First NH Turnpike
Northwood, NH 03261
